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Zipnik™ is a fail-secure telescoping bolt that eliminates loose fasteners and provides two-hand installation of any sub-component or module.

Zipnik™ is a zero FOD aerospace fastener that meets TACOM directives for Pitstop and high-speed removal-installation of military vehicle components.


​​*Finalist in the Golden Mousetrap Awards 2016

US Patent US20130094923 A1, is a self-aligning, telescoping, articulating, pre-rotational-engagement nut which;

1. Is captive to its parent bracket or module thus eliminating fastener handling.

2. Requires NO hand starting, which precludes Repetitive Motion Injury (RMI).

3. "Pre-attaches" components to their mating module, frame or apparatus prior to

rotating the nut (pre-rotational engagement). 

It is the first and only fastener to engage nut/stud threads prior to rotation

and it is the only nut that can retain a component to a stud if the nut or stud

fractures or strips.

This breakthrough invention virtually eliminates Foreign Object Damage (FOD)

caused by loose fastener pieces sucked into jet intakes or damaging control


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